Rivergroup Yak

God Has Given Us The Gift Of Life In Heaven Now; It Is Our Turn To Give The Gift Of Life On Earth.
June 24, 2008, 9:20 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Paducah Donor Days are Tuesday July 1st & Wednesday July 2nd from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. at West Kentucky Community and Technical College. There are prizes to register for with the grand prize being a $500 gas card and who couldn’t use that?

This could be used as a great opportunity for your small group to make a difference. It won’t cost you anything but a little bit of your time…

What a great way to show God’s love in a practical way! If you’re small groups thinks that they may like to do this, please let us know and we hope to see you there!

It’s time to make it a lifestyle…
June 23, 2008, 6:57 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Thousands of people go on diets, loose a ton of weight and within a few months gain it all back and wonder…What the heck happened? Well, the slim fast and lean cuisine was only a temporary fix. Once you get off the treadmill and start going back for seconds you are back to square one. Unless you make it your lifestyle which means, “Your way of life,” no one wins. I am absolutely convinced that this analogy is applicable with so many aspects of life. We can do an outreach event like Barbecue on the River or Superman Celebration and impact many lives. But after the event is over we go back home, sit on the couch and say, “Man that sure was great, can’t wait until next year!” As God followers, we are called to love one another into a relationship with Christ. For the short time Jesus was on Earth he served from the time he woke up in the morning until the time he went to sleep. He didn’t do a once a week prayer gathering or do four outreach events per year, it was his life style. The church can only organize so much; it is our personal responsibility to make it our life style. Our small groups are an incredible way of empowering each other to serve as Jesus served. There are so many people with so many talents in our groups and unlimited potential! What is in your group’s community, single moms who need a break? Maybe, an old lady who needs her yard mowed or a child who needs a math tutor? Its time to make it a life style…

Faster Pastor
June 16, 2008, 8:51 pm
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Come be a part of an event you don’t want to miss! Caleb and Brad will be racing to the finish line at Paducah International Raceway in the Faster Pastor event happening this Friday June 20th! We will be passing out Four Rivers cards that have the nascar schedule on them. The event starts at 7:30! (Ladonna will be at the concession stand fifteen minutes before the race to give your group the cards.)Take this opportunity with your group to pass out cards to people you meet in the concession stand or on the bleachers. Are you Team Henson or Team Skinner? Reply Back! (For more info on the race you can call PIR at 270-898-7469 or view it on http://www.paducahinternationalraceway.com)

Almost time to turn in your bottles…
June 4, 2008, 8:35 pm
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Just a friendly reminder…baby bottles for Hope Unlimited are due back on Father’s Day (June 15th) please place them on the Welcome table at your campus!

Cool God Story
May 14, 2008, 3:22 pm
Filed under: Personal Faith Story

I received this comment via email the other day from Clay Blankenbaker in regards to Hope Unlimited and their work. I think his and Holly’s story clearly communicates why we should support Hope Unlimited.

“Some of you do and some do not know how God used Hope Unlimited to save our little Caleb’s life… His biological mother attended one counseling session at Hope, then, after massive pressure from her father, attempted two abortions, but God is good, and she was denied services both times. She then returned to Hope and they contacted the Lawyer who in turn contacted Holly and me. I know ALL the credit goes to God for what He did, but the counselors at Hope are special people and we need to try to bless them…

Block Party Anyone
May 12, 2008, 2:05 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Summer is a great time for all of us to reach our neighborhoods.  Our group has alot of young children and planning a family event is a great way to involve everyone.  I would like to challenge all the groups to have a block party in their neighborhood they meet in as well as members of the groups.  Then at the end of the summer maybe we could all get together for BIG block parties at Noble Park-Metro campus-and Miller Park (LAKES) bringing our own activities to reach out to others in our communities.  Anyone interested?

Butler Group

Oppurtunity for your Group!
May 6, 2008, 8:39 pm
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Every year Four Rivers participates in the, “Change for Life,”campaign put on by Hope Unlimited. Each year on Mother’s day the baby bottles are distributed at church. We thought this year it would be great for groups to take part by grabbing a bottle for their group and filling it up together. It can be filled with change, checks, or cash and can be brought back on Father’s day.  Hope Unlimited is a wonderful organization in our community and we want to support them in any way we can. Look for them on the  welcome table this Sunday!

The Felker’s Group!
May 6, 2008, 4:14 am
Filed under: Uncategorized


We, Craig and Stephanie Felker host a small group in the Farley area.  One thing that is unique about our group other then people in it, is that we meet every week.  Our wonderful group consist of several close friends.   Tiffany & Trent “weather man,” Okerson, Candace Nichols and Derek Melloy, Jason Dutton, and Dana Harris. For the next several weeks our group will be working with the Metropolis campus to complete their new facility,(which is looking awesome by the way)!  It has been a cool opportunity to serve and develop relationships at other campuses.  We highly recommend any of your groups to come and serve there!   Recently, we  changed the structure of our group in order to be more effective.  To each his own of course, but I thought we had some interesting ideas that we would share with all of you! First, we set goals of what we wanted to accomplish as a group this year. All of us individually are assuming a particular responsibility that we felt are a good “fit” for each person.  Here are just a few examples; Tiffany is responsible for keeping an updated prayer request list. I am responsible for planning any servant evangelism type event.  Derek will lead the conversations when we are studying or watching a video and so on…  We can’t wait for you to blog and see what your River Groups have been up to!